How It works?
Integrate your apps with shoffi
Affiliate Program Solution
Shoffi offers a complete affiliate program solution, including advanced separate dashboards for the app owner and the affiliate partners.
The integration
As Shoffi connects with the Shopify partners API, the integration process is straightforward. This means you will only need to provide an API key and add a simple POST request. Detailed instructions and examples for the integration process can be found in our docs.
Set your affiliate program
Affiliates terms
When adding a new app to Shoffi, you will set its affiliate terms. This is the contract between you and your affiliate partners, detailing what and how they will benefit from promoting your app.
The terms
The affiliate terms include the commission rate, the commission period, CPI, and more. You can find all of them on the features page.
Invite affiliate partners to join
Invite links and branded sign up pages
Every app that integrated successfully with Shoffi gets automatically an invite link and a branded sign up page. This allows you to easily recruit and onboard new affiliate partners.
Shoffi offers more than just a solution for partner programs. It’s a marketplace for Shopify apps partner programs, where affiliates can discover new apps to promote.
Affiliate Partners Promote your App
Apps promotion
Merchants ask for apps recommendations regularly. That’s an excellent opportunity for your affiliate partners to recommend apps they know and have an joined their affiliate program.
Referral links
Shoffi provides every affiliate who connects to a new app a unique referral link they can use. We track every view, installs, and payments made by merchants who clicked the referral link. The data is visible for both affiliate partners and app owners in their dashboards.
Your apps get new clients
More and better clients
Thanks to their relationships with merchants, partners will do their best to bring your app to those who need it. That will help apps get new clients, but even better than that – to clients who need the solution and are much more likely to keep using the app and upgrade to more advanced subscriptions.
Affiliate partners Earn Commissions
Payment Requests
You must pay partners based on the affiliate terms you have set.
Shoffi tracks how much money should be paid to each affiliate partner and will notify you whena partner asks to get paid.
Pay when you get paid
Shoffi uses the Shopify Partners API to track transactions. That means there is no chance you will be paying affiliate partners before Shopify approved the charge of your app.
Once you sign up and choose a plan, you can integrate your Shopify apps. You will be required to add the app info, affiliate terms, and your Shopify partner client API key for every app.
Our system uses a few different methods to authenticate each install. One of them is based on a post request you will need to add to your app.
Yes, you can. Using the CPI (Cost Per Install) feature, you can offer a fixed amount for every successful install. This could be in addition or instead of a commission.
Yes, you can limit the commission period to a specific amount of months.
As an app owner, you don’t have to have a PayPal account. You can pay affiliates using PayPal or a credit card.
Shoffi is connected to your Shopify Partner account. We’ll consider a transaction as done only after we get the transaction details from Shopify.
We also get from Shopify the exact subscription plan name and amount.
Once an affiliate reaches the “Minimum withdraw amount” that you have set, they can request to withdraw the money. You have 30 days to pay after the affiliate requests the withdrawal.
It depends on your subscription plan and varies from 1 to unlimited apps for enterprises.
Find more details on the pricing page.
Shoffi offers more than just a solution for affiliate program management. We connect with the most prominent agencies/influencers and encourage them to promote apps.
For Shoffi to function, we will need your Shopify Partner API key with permission to:
- View financials
- Manage apps
- You can offer a fixed amount for every successful install using the CPI (Cost Per Install).
- If you are willing to become a paid app eventually, affiliates will be happy to promote it for future commissions from the revenue.
Shoffi checks every 24 hours all of the existing referrals and updates them accordingly.
If a user changed the subscruption plan you will be able to see it in the dashboard and the numbers will change accordingly.